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Livia & Flavio’s Wedding

Posted on Mar 26, 2019 in Switzerland, Wedding, Wedding

Livia & Flavio’s Wedding was probably the one where I’ve seen most people crying… with laughter.
So much happiness, so much joy and a sense of humour. From the ceremony till the end was full of surprises coming and going in all directions, from the guests to the groom & bride and vice versa. Creativity and naturalness in the right balance combined with family and friendship was the formula for this beautiful celebration of LOVE.



Collage details blog





Collage peinado


Collage family prep



Fla suspenders

Fla bow tie






Collage pre-ceremony bros


Collage details pre-ceremony

Collage ceremony deco



Collage ceremony parents


Collage ceremony LF hands


Collage speech friends

Collage ceremony friends speech


Collage exchange rings





Collage L&F post-ceremony


Collage L&F post-ceremony2

Collage L&F retrato
Collage L&F retrato2

Collage L&F details

Collage Fla & Bros

Collage Liv & Sis


Collage banderines niños post cerem 1


Collage Ice-tea

Collage Fathers

Collage dinning deco

Collage Cath surprise

Collage Father speech

Collage friends guitar

Collage FilmGerberei circus


Collage photo-booth2


Collage L&F dance

Collage HPD


Collage musicians

Collage Party dance

Collage cake

Collage slideshow laughs

Collage dance family
