Herräng Dance Camp has existed for more than 35 years. Is one of the oldest and probably the biggest Swing festival in the world. It has place in Herräng, a little village lost in the swedish country side. People from all over the world assist every year, to take Lindyhop, Boogie Woogie, Balboa, African Dance and Tap classes. Is a once in life experience that every Lindy Hopper should have. It’s a five weeks festival, but is divided per sinlge weeks, starting on Saturday and finish on Friday night with a theme party. Besides the day classes, nights parties and live music concerts, there are specific activities depending on the day. Every week there is a Slow Drag night, a Cabaret night, cultural activities, evening classes, and lots more random things that could surprise you in the way.
Being in Herräng Dance Camp you totally disconnect from real world and you feel like “Alice in Lindyland”.